The Robert Cathey - Research Source

The Robert Cathey - Research Source

URL: Robert Cathey - Research Source Website


Robert Cathey provides interesting research info

An Information Resource on a range of health related issues including: Biochemistry
cancer, electron therapy, Rife research, etc. The site is full of links to other sites and includes a number of reports of its own. The Drudge Report of alternative therapies.

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Smartphone-FriendlyNo (Incompatible)
MaintainedStatic website, no recent updates
Secure Websitehttp only, yet no personal data asked for (OK)
Rife Forum Section
Rife Shop Rating
Rife Shop ReviewThe website looks dated and has not been updated since 2009. However, it does have a selection of very interesting articles, often buried within its pages. It is difficult to navigate, disorganized and has the occasional poem. Aimed at the serious researcher, not really for beginners. This website needs a serious updating and redesign. If that does not bother you, there are some jewels to be found, if you dig deep enough.
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On this Rife Directory, we are trying to link to as many Rife-related websites as we can find. For each website, we look at the contents in order to determine which categories it belongs to, prepare a comment about the site itself and determine its ranking as explained below.

We use this Google website to determine if a website is "smartphone-friendly". One Star is added for smartphone friendly websites. If you want to test how a website looks like on various devices, try this tool as well.

We look at the content to assess how well maintained it is. We look for broken links, technical problems, etc. as part of the assessment. Some websites have not been updated for years - they are classed as static. If the website has major technical issues or has gone offline, that is mentioned, too. One Star is added for websites with no technical issues.

Secure Website:
Websites that ask you to enter personal information need to be secure. We check if the website works with https instead of http to determine if a secure connection is possible. One Star is added for websites with that use https SSL encryption properly.

Rife Forum Section:
The Rife Forum has a number of forum sections that relate to specific websites. For example a specific Rife device might have its own section on the Rife Forum where you can discuss it with other users. If such a section exists, we link to it here. You need to be an approved member of the forum to access such sections. One Star is added for websites which interact with users and provide useful content on the Rife Forum.

The remaining stars are given based on our assessment of the information provided on the website. Criteria used includes:
  • Is the information provided accurate and reliable.
  • Are exaggerations made or misleading information found.
  • Is the website up to date, or has it not been changed for years.
  • How useful is the information on the website to visitors.
  • Is it written in a way that is easy for novices to understand.
  • Are more than one language supported.
  • Is the website regarded highly by members of the Rife Forum.
NOTE: If no ranking is shown, we have not yet ranked that website.

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